A safe environment protects our children from harm, including sexual abuse and child molestation. It allows them to feel confident and secure in the classroom and at church.
How the Diocese of Springfield Is Responding The Diocese has instituted several policies towards that goal. These include:
- A code of conduct for employees and volunteers who work with children and youth is outlined in the Policy Against Sexual Misconduct for Lay Employees and Volunteers. This code makes clear what acceptable behavior is and the standards of conduct regarding sexual abuse and harassment.
- A code of conduct for clergy and religious leaders who work with children and youth, outlined in the Policy Against Sexual Misconduct for Clergy and Religious Personnel. This code makes clear what acceptable behavior is and the standards of conduct regarding sexual abuse and harassment.
- Background checks on all adults who have regular and consistent contact with minors.
- Special training programs for all adults who work with minors, including priests, ministers, educators, church personnel, parents and volunteers. They are briefed on preventing, identifying, responding to and reporting child abuse.
Church of the Little Flower does not offer the Protecting God’s Children training workshop at this time. However, you may register to take the workshop at St. Joseph the Worker in Chatham by calling (217) 483-3772.