Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
Are you looking to grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus? Are you discerning Catholicism? Have you attended Mass at Cathedral or a faith formation program and are curious about joining our faith community? The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the opportunity for adults to explore their relationship with Jesus and learn about the Catholic faith.

RCIA is a journey geared toward those who:
- are not baptized,
- or are baptized in another religion,
- or are baptized Catholics but have not been fully initiated (received First Eucharist)
A Safe Place to Ask Questions
The process is flexible and depends on the individual’s faith journey. You will be provided an opportunity to learn how Catholics express their faith and their relationship with Jesus through liturgical life, the sacraments, and parish life. By the power of the Holy Spirit and through prayer, each participant will be able to discover the meaning of discipleship in the Catholic Church and then ultimately make the decision on whether to join the Catholic Church more formally.
Christian Initiation offers separate programs designed for adults and children wishing to enter the Catholic faith.
Contact Marvin Kocker | (217) 306-6414