Dear parishioners, A Few thoughts on returning to Mass this weekend
I am happy about our return to the public celebration of the Mass. In the spirit of the Holy Trinity, we prepare to publicly make our sign of the faith and listen for God’s call to each of us to participate. The health and safety of parishioners and visitors is a top priority. We have formed a team of staff and volunteers to help ensure a safe return for everyone. In that spirit we have a few guidelines to share:
• The dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation remains in effect
• Masks are optional (can be used entering and leaving church where congested)
• Hand sanitizer will be available at the entrances if needed.
• A monitored collection basket will be available at the entrance
• Pews will be marked off for following social distancing. If you’re the first to enter a pew that has a blue tape line in the middle, please move your family near that line (don’t sit on very end!) Family members may sit together but must maintain a 6-ft separation from the next family.
• Using the kneelers will be optional
• A small table on both the front and back of diagonal aisles will be where Holy Communion will be distributed
• The Precious Blood will not be offered to the faithful
• Congregational singing will be discouraged
• Father Al will greet the faithful after Mass in gathering space maintaining social distance.
After Mass
• Ensure all leftover items are collected from your pew.
• If kneeler is used, please keep it in the lowered position so it can be sanitized
• The pews, kneelers, rest rooms, doors, etc. used during the Mass will be disinfected after every Mass.
May God Bless you,
Father Al