The Eucharistic Ministers and myself are having a discussion about whether to wear masks or not during Mass in the communion line. Here is my policy:
Here is my reasoning for doing communion as I do (from the diocese’s reopening plan) My thoughts are in [ ] (the diocese prefers this be a ‘local’ decision)
Two options for distribution/flow of Holy Communion • Option #1: Holy Communion distributed during the Mass • Option #2: Holy Communion distributed immediately at the end of Mass
Option #1: Holy Communion during the Mass (which I prefer)
• We do not recommend that a priest wear a mask [it is my understanding that this also applies for EM] for the distribution of Holy Communion during the Mass, and we caution that the frequent and obvious use of hand sanitizer during Mass is to be discouraged.
[its my belief that there should be no barrier involved (Masks) when one of the faithful seeks to receive our Lord during the Eucharist]
• At the start of Mass, or at a suitable point during Mass, the priest should explain that, for those who desire to receive Holy Communion, they may do so at the appropriate moment, but that those who wish to remain in their places may do so. He may add that the faithful should maintain a 6-foot distance from each other as they come forward for Holy Communion.
[ CDC states: COVID-19 spreads mainly among people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet), so the use of cloth face coverings is particularly important in settings where people are close to each other or where social distancing is difficult to maintain. I choose to read this as meaning prolonged presence (more than 5 seconds) closer than 6 feet. (mainly stores, businesses, etc. NOT communion lines.]
• The faithful should remove any face coverings before coming forward for Holy Communion. • At the conclusion of the distribution of Holy Communion, the priest (and any other ministers) returns the remaining hosts to the tabernacle