LFS Parents: Tonight is our Little Flower School Open House for new students and families from 6-7:30. We have a good number of families who have expressed interest for enrolling at LFS next year. Because of Covid-19 restrictions, we may have to limit class sizes again this upcoming August. Therefore, we have given our current LFS families first priority for enrollment. You will be ensured a spot if you submit an enrollment form by Friday of this week. On Monday, March 1st, we will begin open enrollment and spots will be allocated on a first come first served basis. We would love to have all of our current students return to the halls of LFS (except our 8th graders haha)! Hopefully, the distancing issue will be resolved by next August, and our class sizes can get back to normal. If you have a special circumstance related to school choice for next year, be sure to let me know. Thank you for your support of Little Flower!