June 19, 2021 8:00 pm

Phase 5: how to proceed: starting next weekend
Masks policy will follow the CDC guidelines. Vaccinated not needed: Non vaccinated encouraged
Social distancing at communion will continue as we are now.
EM – I will however, have 2 EM wearing masks at every Mass for a while for those who would be more comfortable going to a Minister with a mask on. They both will either be in the front or back, so you can proceed accordingly.
Hymnals will be back in the pews next week and singing will return.
Server sign in sheet: Starting July 4th weekend we will go to have one server. Please see the sign in sheet on the ministry board in the back of the gathering space if you would like to volunteer to serve.
We will go back to normal on: holy water, passing the collection basket; gift bearers; bulletins and pamphlets back in the racks.
If you would like to return to sharing missalettes, they can be placed back in the missalette racks.
This will take effect next week on June 26th and 27th
Please do not turn your steering wheel unless the car is moving. The power to the wheels while car is stationary is enough to ‘dig in’ to the new asphalt. It will take asphalt 2 weeks to totally cure where this will no longer be a problem.