July 3, 2021 9:17 pm

Roof and Parking lot complaints: Rest assured over the past few weeks I have spent every waking hour dealing with these & other issues: ponding in main parking area, near north main sidewalk, entrance from Stevenson, entrance into the rear door of the parish center, near the playground and and other areas.
Curbing issues, damage to flower garden in pre school playground, redesign of handicap parking area near side school entrance.
Issues involving heavy roofing trucks and new pavement & AC units on roof.
I have met 3 times with the pavement marking company concerning marking the lot, & the inner circle around the school. The latest law on handicap marking design & marking areas for the enjoyment of the children at play at recess. IF you have any other issues beyond these email the office and I will address them when I get back form vacation. Fr. Al